
Students walking on the RIC quad near the institutional sign

Online or on campus, make your summer count with an accelerated Summer Session course.


暑期课程是追求充实的好方法, 专业发展, or to gain course credits while home from college for the summer.










  1. <但ton aria-selected="true" class="tabs__但ton">何时注册
  2. <但ton aria-selected="false" class="tabs__但ton">如何找到正确的课程
  3. <但ton aria-selected="false" class="tabs__但ton">在何处及如何注册
  4. <但ton aria-selected="false" class="tabs__但ton">添加/删除日期和课程负荷
  5. <但ton aria-selected="false" class="tabs__但ton">了解我们的课程编号系统
  6. <但ton aria-selected="false" class="tabs__但ton">学费 & 费用
<但ton class="accordion__但ton btn" disabled="disabled"> arrow_drop_down_circle 何时注册



You may 注册 for courses in 暑期班 I and II during the following time periods:

  • 第一届会议:2月26日至5月17日 
  • 第二届会议:2月26日至6月28日 


<但ton class="accordion__但ton btn" disabled="disabled"> arrow_drop_down_circle 如何找到正确的课程



While the undergraduate and graduate class schedules give you a sense of what is being offered and when, our MyRIC 门户网站 will provide you with course descriptions to help you decide what to 注册 for. As someone who has never attended Rhode Island College before, you will need to create an account to obtain a user ID and password in order to 注册 对于类, 但 你可以 查看我们的暑期课程和描述 现在没有账户. 


Call/class numbers are the five-digit number preceding each course and are very important for these reasons:

  • this is the number you will need in order to 注册 for, add, or drop a given course
  • clicking on a call number will provide you with the course description

Also, if a course has multiple sections, please note the unique section number. 你只能注册一门课程的一个部分.


有些课程需要院系同意才能注册. 的se courses are identified in Class 搜索 on the Class Details page with the phrase "Department Consent Required." A course may have this designation for reasons such as: minimum grade point average, 获得学分, 主要, 或者得到系主任的许可. 联系 offering department for registration information.


大学目录 contains degree requirements for all undergraduate programs of study, 影响学生的规则, 课程描述, and a list of the faculty and administration of the college. You must know the rules given in the catalog for your degree program. 目录是所有学生的权威文件. 

<但ton class="accordion__但ton btn" disabled="disabled"> arrow_drop_down_circle 在何处及如何注册



  1. 你将在我们的网站上注册暑期班 MyRIC 门户网站. As someone who has never attended Rhode Island College before, you will need to create an account to obtain a user ID and password in order to 注册 for classes. When creating the account, you will be asked to provide a social security number (SSN). 请 联络档案处 如果这使您无法完成表单.


    Once you create an account you will receive confirmation and instructions about your MyRIC user ID and password.

    请注意:如果为您找到现有帐户, you will be directed to request reactivation of your account through the 记录办公室 at 401-456-8213 or records@retrorockerz.com.

  2. 去 MyRIC and access your account by entering your user ID and password (all lowercase) that you received via 电子邮件. If you forgot your ID or password or have trouble accessing your account, 请与服务台联系 helpdesk@retrorockerz.com. If you have questions about the registration process, please contact the 记录办公室 at 401-456-8213. 请注意:有残疾的学生, 谁需要协助登入网上注册, 应该联系 残疾人士服务中心 at 401-456-2776.
  3. To begin the registration process navigate from the RIC Announcements page to the RIC Student Homepage (using the top, 左下拉菜单). 的n click on Student Center > select Enroll from the left-hand navigation
  4. 请 be sure to avoid course meeting times that conflict with each other

请 note: You may begin 注册ing for Session I courses starting on February 26.

<但ton class="accordion__但ton btn" disabled="disabled"> arrow_drop_down_circle 添加/删除日期和课程负荷



  • 5月13日:开始上课,开始加/退课
  • 5月17日:添加/删除周期结束
  • May 31: last day to withdraw from courses without permission


  • 6月24日:开始上课,开始加/退课
  • 6月28日:添加/删除周期结束
  • July 12: last day to withdraw from courses without permission


的 maximum course load during the summer is 8 credit hours per summer session. Any exception to the maximum course load policy must be approved in writing by the appropriate academic dean. 


的 maximum course load during the summer is 8 credit hours per summer session. Students holding appointments as graduate assistance or graduate research assistants are considered full-time students, 但 must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits each semester or 6 credits in any one summer session. 

<但ton class="accordion__但ton btn" disabled="disabled"> arrow_drop_down_circle 了解我们的课程编号系统


100-199Introductory and 通识教育 courses normally taken during the first and second year
300-399Courses taken by undergraduate students who have met the prerequisite(s). 的se courses are not accepted for credit toward graduate degrees
400-499通常在大三和大四修的课程. 的se courses are open to graduate students for credit towards a graduate degree. 的 number of credits acceptable in a graduate program is limited by graduate program policies
500-599对研究生开放的课程. Normally these courses require a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite. 在某些情况下, qualified students who have earned at least 90 credit hours may be admitted, 在得到导师和相应院长的许可后 
