Group of students sitting in a circle on the grass at orientation
Congratulations on your acceptance to Rhode Island College! 我们很期待在迎新会上见到你!


Cluster of students walking together outside at orientation

Orientation helps make transitioning to RIC both comfortable and enjoyable. 为期一天的综合课程, designed to welcome and acclimate new students and families to the college, 是一个互动项目,你可以:

  • 了解校园资源
  • 参与与教师的对话
  • 了解学生组织和俱乐部
  • 结识新同学
  • work with an advisor to create a class schedule
  • 领取学生证和停车证

请 Note: Because of all that is accomplished at orientation, 参加为期一天的课程是强制性的. If you would like to participate in our two-day program, allowing you to stay overnight in the dorms and learn about additional aspects of RIC on day two, 请 esball官方网的工作人员.


Registration opens on April 3, 2024 for your choice of one of these one-day sessions:

  • 2024年6月20日
  • 2024年7月8日
  • 2024年8月5日

Keep this Orientation information handy to remind you to register: 取向预定日期.



Here we guide you through orientation registration and all steps leading up to, 在, 定向之后. As you work through what we've outlined here, our 常见问题 和我们的 这些步骤的可视化图表 可能对你有帮助. 我们的办公室也随时准备帮助您:, 401-456-8439.

Steps to Complete Before, During, and After Orientation



To begin using your RIC account and access all online services, you need to set an initial password. 请按照我们的 设置密码 指令.


Use the username and password you just set up to 登录到 the MyRIC 传送门和你的 RIC Microsoft 365帐户 (在这里你可以访问Outlook电子邮件)


Secure your 的地方 in the undergraduate class by making your $200 enrollment deposit on MyRIC:

  1. 登录到 MyRIC
  2. you'll then be on the RIC Student Homepage where you need to click on the New to RIC tile 
  3. 然后点击左边菜单中的付款


Registration is on a first-come first-serve basis. You can register for your orientation session by logging into MyRIC 接下来 定向注册分步指南.

请 Note: Make sure that you are available for the entirety of the session you choose. You must attend the whole program to ensure that you are prepared to start your first semester at RIC. The deadline to register for a session is seven business days before the date of that session, 或者直到会话达到容量.

Requesting Reasonable Accommodations for Orientation

To request accommodations or services related to a disability, 医疗条件, 或者食物过敏/不耐受, 请填写 住宿申请表格. 政府职员 残疾人士服务中心 will follow-up with you individually to discuss your needs and develop a plan together.

发送考试成绩 & 最后的成绩单

If you are taking college coursework, send an official transcript and/or official test scores to the 本科招生办公室 通过发邮件



在你的培训之前, 请报名参加数学分班考试. You will need at least a Level 1 的地方ment to register for many classes. 数学要求和分班 provides more information and directions on how to register. For any questions regarding the 数学的位置 exam, 请 contact Megan at


一年级写作指导自我安置 is a brief survey to help find the appropriate First-Year Writing (FYW) course for you. 在你的培训之前, 请 complete this self-的地方ment调查.


During orientation you'll learn about many aspects of RIC from people who are ready to assist you and with fellow classmates who are eager to meet you. 你也要注册你的课程. Orientation is required for all first-year students, so be sure not to miss it.


如果你打算住在校园里, you'll be staying overnight in the dorms after your first day of Orientation. 如果你打算通勤去RIC, we still encourage you to stay overnight in the dorms to experience the life of a student resident. 了解更多关于 住在校园里.

Submit Your Health Forms + View More Resources

Once you have registered for classes you will gain access to the Medicate Patient Portal to upload important health and immunization forms. 请 提交健康表格 as soon as possible after attending orientation.




Our mission it to assist students and families 在 their transition to RIC, through Orientation and educational programming, 在第一年.


丽莎一个. 费里
